xdivi You can help!

Spread the word

There are lots of different ways of supporting us. It can be as easy as liking and sharing our social media posts, or just talking to family and friends.

Become a member

But we would really like you to become a member. ACE membership is free, and commitment-free. And the more members we have, the easier it is for us to attract funding, so just by joining you are helping a lot.

Of course, if you want to take an active part in what we do, your help would be more than welcome.

You can let us know what you might be interested in doing when you complete the membership form.

Attend an event

They are always fun, and we always try to do something slightly unusual. Whether its a girls afternoon, an evening at the races or a red carpet event, you’ll be supporting us while having a good time.

See ‘What’s new’ on the Home page for details of upcoming events.
